Should you choose to do so, you can allow your members to register to ChMeetings, under your church account. This makes it possible for them to use the desktop and mobile apps and benefit from features that might improve their experience with your church. In this article, we will explore the features that members can use, as well as what an account owner or administrator needs to do in order to ensure members have the best experience possible.
Membership is available for both free and paid accounts. Some features, such as Custom Registration (using profile fields as registration fields) and the Thank You Message feature are not available for free accounts, but you can enable membership for your congregation, within the limit of 100 people.
Member Features List
Your members can benefit from the following ChMeetings features:
- Their own, personal account within ChMeetings, along with the possibility to update their personal and family profiles. This account is created at the church level and an owner/admin can move it at the ministry level. Members can view and register for events on the church level, or ministry level (if they are part of the ministry) or events in specific groups (if they are part of the specific group), and only If the event's visibility is set to Members or Public. The events that are only visible to Users will not display to members.
- Access to the profiles of other people, if they are part of their family.
- Event registration and cancellation.
- Access to their personal contribution history. If your church has implemented online giving, they will also have the possibility to contribute via your payment gateway integration. All contributions will be displayed, whether added manually or via the payment gateway.
- Access to forms, as well as the possibility to submit them. This is in accordance with your form privacy settings, which ensure that only relevant people can see and submit specific forms.
- Access to the Calendar, which will include public events that they can register to.
- Notifications history, where they can view their notifications, delete them and/or mark them as read/unread.
- The ability to change their account password or language.
- A personal dashboard, containing a list of Upcoming Events within 30 days.
Enabling members to use ChMeetings
To enable members to use ChMeetings, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Customize profile fields
Profile fields allow you to collect specific information about your congregation members. ChMeetings comes with a set of default fields, which you can enable or disable. In addition, you can add custom profile fields that can reflect your specific needs. This can be done by going to Settings - Profile Fields.
Step 2: Enable the Member Portal
Go to the Member Portal area of ChMeetings and make sure that the following two features are enabled:
- Allow existing members to access the Member Portal. If you have already created some people's profiles, then this feature will allow them to gain access to the app by entering the email that is associated with their profile.
- Allow new members to register. New members can register straight into the ChMeetings app and create their own profiles.
You will also need to configure the Info/Tagline, Important Links, Invitation Email and Invitation Text Message.
Step 3: Organize members into ministries and groups
Groups allow you to stay organized, especially when you have a large congregation.
- You can create Ministries for each location of your church. You can do so by going to Add Ministry, under your church profile area. Please note that members are not registered at the Ministry level, but at the Church level. As an owner or admin, you can add people to a specific Ministry without restricting their access to events. They can still see and register to events within the entire church.
- Creating Groups, from under the Groups section, makes it easier for owners, admins and group leaders to organize and communicate with the congregation. These are useful, for example, when you have a smaller congregation and don’t want to create a Ministry; or when you want to organize people by certain criteria, such as the activities they attend together.
Step 4: Share the app
Now you are ready to share the app with your members. Simply grab your invitation link from under Member Portal > Invitation Link, and send it out via email, text messages or notifications.
Your members will be able to access the invitation link and register themselves to ChMeetings.
To improve your members’ experience with your church, and to help them get comfortable with ChMeetings, we have prepared a knowledge base that is dedicated to them. You can access it within the Members category of this help center.