- What is a batch?
Create a batch
- Close a Batch
- View, Export & Email, & Print Batches
- Edit batches
- Delete batches
- Deposit Batches To Accounting
What is a batch?
A Batch is a group of contributions that are usually made at the same time. For example, this could be during a specific day or at an event.
In ChMeetings, batches are assigned numbers, which are also the main identifiers throughout the Contributions module.
Create a batch
Every time you add a new contribution, you can add a new batch only if the last one contains funds. If there are no funds in the last active batch, the option will not be available.
To create a batch:
- Add a new contribution and fill out the necessary information. Read more about adding contributions.
- Use the Batch dropdown and click Create a New Batch.
- A new batch will be created and assigned the next number, in ascending order.
- As mentioned, the option to create a new batch will not be available if the current batch has no funds.
- Once you complete adding a contribution, the screen will be ready for you to add another. The same batch number will be automatically assigned and you cannot create a new batch unless you refresh the page.
Close a Batch
If you want to close a batch and start a new one, you can do so from under Contributions > New Contribution > Close Batch & Add New. This will close the current batch and create a new one with the next ascending number. So for example, if you are closing Batch 36, the new one will be 37.
If you are using the mobile app, you will find the option on the Contributions > New Contribution screen, but you must click the options menu at the top right and select Close Batch & Add New.
View, Export & Email, & Print Batches
To view a batch, you can click on its number, within the list of batches.
This takes you to a contributions screen that filters by the batch you are viewing. Therefore only the contributions within that batch are listed. You can view the batch either as a list or a chart. You can use the advanced search filters as well, to further narrow down the batch to what you require.
You can print, email and export a batch just as you would do with your general list of contributions. Please follow this guide to achieve this, as the process is the same.
Edit batches
Batches can be edited by going to Contributions > Batches.
Here is where you can find the batch you need, click the options button next to it, then select Edit.
You can edit the batch name and date. The name is optional. The batch number is assigned automatically and cannot be edited.
Once you edit the name of a batch, it will display within your batch list, but not when selecting it while adding a contribution - you will continue to see the number, regardless of whether there is a batch name or not.
Delete batches
It is not possible to delete an entire batch that contains contributions. The batch must be empty. Therefore, if you want to delete a batch, you must follow the process below:
- Check the list of contributions within the batch that you want to delete. If there are any contributions that you want to keep, please edit and associate them with another batch.
- Once you have associated all valid contributions with another batch, you may be left with some that you no longer need. You can delete them individually, or go back to the Contributions > Batches screen, find the batch, then select Delete All Contributions.
- Once your batch lists 0 contributions, you can delete it.
Deposit Batches To Accounting
Sometimes, when your contributions don’t go through your bank, you may want to deposit contribution batches to your accounting. Once the deposit is completed, you will see a new Income transaction on the Account, Category, and Fund you selected when making the deposit. Learn more in the dedicated guide on Depositing Batches To Accounting