As an Account Owner or Admin within ChMeetings,, you can purchase SMS or voice credits by going to Settings - Payments & Credit.
Here is where you will always find a list of available packages and their pricing. Package size and pricing will vary, depending on your country.
Package purchases are based on one-time payments, not on recurring subscriptions. Your credits will not expire if you do not use them.
Please note that text and voice messages might not be supported in your country. The countries we support are: The United States, Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, South Africa and Egypt. We will notify you in the app if this is the case. Please get in touch with us if you need to send messages.
Here is an example of what the packages may look like (The package sizes and pricing shown in the screenshot below apply to the United States and are only for reference purposes.):
Purchase a credit package
To purchase a particular package, please click on the price button below the number of credits you require. For example, let’s select the 5000 credits package.
Once you make your selection, a payment window will be displayed. Here is where you can securely enter your credit card details: Card Number, Expiry Date and CVC. Click on Pay Now to complete the payment and purchase the number of credits you opted for. Click Cancel if you no longer want to purchase.
Note: Payment transactions within ChMeetings are made via a secure connection. You can check yours by clicking on the lock icon, next to the URL, in your browser.
As soon as you complete the purchase, your account should display the number of available credits. You can now start using them to send SMS and voice messages to your members. (Prices are: 1 credit per SMS message and 2 credits per voice message).
Get a dedicated phone number
If you send many messages or want to use two-way messaging within ChMeetings, you can get a dedicated phone number at no extra cost.
Under Settings > Payments & Credit, click Choose a Number and Select the one that’s best suitable for you. You can enter an area code to localize your number.