- Introduction
- What is a user?
- What is the difference between adding and inviting a user?
- Methods of adding or inviting users
- Adding a user
- Inviting a user
Please note that if you add or invite someone as an admin or owner, they will have access to the ministry you are viewing, and to all associated data. You can only add or invite people who don't have an account in the App. Those who have an account will be excluded.
What is a user?
A user is someone who has a ChMeetings account with an Owner, Admin, Group Leader or Custom Role. All users are also members, but not all members are also users.
What is the difference between adding and inviting a user?
When you add a user, you have the possibility to edit their basic profile information and to set them up with a password. In addition to this, you can assign them to a ministry, role or group. Using this method, the user’s account is fully registered.
When you invite a user, you will only need to select who to invite and to choose which ministry, role and group they will be associated with. The user already has prefilled profile fields, but will complete the registration process themselves.
When being added or invited, users will receive the message you configure in Member Portal - Invitation Message.
Methods of adding or inviting users
There are three areas from where you can add or invite users:
- From under Users & Roles - Users. Here is where you have the option to either add or invite a new user.
- From the People list, where you can select those you want to add as users, by clicking on Bulk Actions and then selecting Invite User.
- From someone’s profile, where you can use the Create Account option.
Adding a user
This process applies when you use:
- The Add User option in Users & Roles - Users.
- The Create Account option on someone’s profile.
After clicking on Add User or Create Account, you will now be shown a window where you can select:
- The Ministry to which you would like to add the user.
- The Role you would like them to fulfill. You can add them as members, but also as admins, owners or group leaders. If you have created custom roles, you will also be able to select them here.
- The Groups the person belongs to. If you are adding the user as a Group Leader, they will have access to the permissions you set for the role, exclusively for the group that they are part of.
- Their Email address, that will be associated with the user account.
- Click Next to proceed to the next step.
- You will now be able to enter the user’s basic profile information: First and Last Name, and Mobile Phone.
- It is possible to configure the user’s password yourself, or tick Generate Password to allow the system to generate it for you. In this case, you will not be able to see it.
- If you create the password yourself, you can choose not to send the account information to the user. If you generate the password, the option will be automatically enabled and will be uneditable. When this option is enabled, the user will be emailed with the information they require in order to log into their account.
- When you are ready to add the user, simply click on Save. They will receive their account information and will have the possibility to set up theri account and log in.
Inviting a user
This process applies when using:
- The Invite User option under Users & Roles - Users.
- The Invite User option under People - Select People - Bulk Actions - Invite User.
You can configure the user invitation message template from within the Member Portal section.
When you invite a user via any of the two methods mentioned above, you will be presented with the following process:
- The first stage of the invitation allows you to set:
- Whether you want to invite the user(s) via email or text message. Please note that text messages are billed separately from your subscription and we have an article explaining how to buy them.
- Select the person who you would like to invite as a user. If someone already has a user account and not just a profile, then the list will not display them. The people you select will be displayed under the dropdown list. You can remove them by clicking the delete (x) icon next to them.
- Choose the Ministry to which you would like to assign the new user.
- Select the Role they should fulfill. All your default and custom roles will be available to choose from.
- Select the Groups that they are part of. If you are inviting a Group Leader, they will be granted the permissions you assigned to the role under Users & Roles - Roles & Permissions.
- Click on Invite when you are ready.