- Watch an 87s video about working with Forms
- What you can do with Forms
- Introduction
- Creating a new form
- Editing an existing form
- Deleting a form
- Other form options
Working with form fields
- General form field features
Available form field types
- Text entry
- Numbers
- Multiple line text
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- Multiple choice
- Date
- Star Rating (paid feature)
- Signature (paid feature)
Attach File
Watch an 87s video about working with Forms
What you can do with Forms
- Gather digitally signed data from people
- Share forms anywhere by linking or embedding
- Link submissions to people's profiles
- Get updated information for people's profile fields
- View and export submission statistics
- Link forms to events for registration or check-in.
Forms are a great way for your church to collect information from the congregation. You can create your own forms, with the specific fields you need. They are easy for you to share and for people to fill out. Afterwards, the submitted information is easily accessible for you to work with and associate with people’s profiles.
Your forms are always available within the dedicated Forms module, where you can view and manage existing forms, as well as create new ones.
Creating a new form
To create a new form, go to the Forms module and click on Create Form.
The form editor will now open.
Name your form
Please begin by naming your form. This is the name under which it will be listed throughout ChMeetings.
Add a banner image
Next, add a banner image to your form. It should be 500 X 130px. We recommend that you use these exact dimensions or ratio for the best look, otherwise the image will be resized to fit the banner, without stretching. The accepted file formats are: ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png" and ".gif".
This will allow you to browse your computer for an image. After having added it, you can click the edit (pencil) icon on the top right to either replace or remove it.
The banner image can be accompanied by Alt Text, for better accessibility for blind users and members. You can add it by clicking the accessibility icon at the top right of the image, then entering the text in the field. Be sure to click OK to save your text when ready.
Add fields
Now it’s time to add the fields you need within this form. For detailed instructions on how to use each type of field, please see the Working with form fields, below in this guide.
All field types are available within the left-side panel of your form editor. There are two field categories you can use:
- Custom form fields which you can create yourself - these can be anything you might need.
- Profile fields, which will allow you to update people’s profiles with the submitted information. All you need to do is add them to the form, and when you receive someone’s submission, you can easily use them to update their profile. Both default and custom profile fields can be added to forms; including the profile picture field.
All field types, from both categories, will allow you to edit their headings and choose whether to make them mandatory or not. If a field is mandatory, the form cannot be submitted without filling out that specific field. You can also mark fields as hidden if you don’t want to publish them immediately.
Configure form settings
Click Form Settings to configure exactly how your form is implemented.
Here are the configurations you can make:
- Customize the “Thank you” message that will display after someone fills out your form.
- Choose whether to send a confirmation email to people who submit your form. You can customize the email message using the editor. You can incorporate merge fields using Add to Body so that ChMeetings pulls member-specific information when sending the email. This includes any profile fields you added to the form.
- Set the Expiry Date.
Set the Network Name (SSID): Adding a network name to this field will only allow people to access the form if they are located on church premises and connected to the WiFi Network. To access the form, members must turn on location services, allow ChMeetings to access their location; and connect to the network you set here. Please keep in mind the following:
- The field is case-sensitive, so please enter the network name as it appears on your device when connecting to WiFi.
This feature does not work in a browser; only in the app. To make sure it works for everyone, please avoid sharing the form as a link. Use the following methods instead:
- Enable “Show on the members’ menu” below. This adds the form to the main app menu and everyone can access it from there.
- Add the form to your church page using the Form card in the Builder.
- This feature requires the latest version of the ChMeetings mobile app, released on June 10, 2024 or later.
This feature does not work on desktop devices.
Below is an Android-based video guide that you can share with your members. See our guide on Accessing Forms Via Church WiFi for the text version.
- Language: If your form is in a language that’s different from your usual one (for example in Spanish rather than English), you can set this language here and people will view your form and corresponding ChMeetings interface elements in your selected language. Note that your fields must be built in the same language as well; this feature does not perform any translation.
- Limit total responses per member allows you to limit how many times a member can fill out the same form. It is possible to allow more than one submission, should you see fit.
- Show on the members menu - This option adds an icon to the Member’s app menu for this form. They can simply click on it to access the form. Turn the toggle on or off, depending on your preference. If you do not want to show an icon in the menu, the form can always be shared via a direct link.
- Disable View Submissions: This removes the ability to view form submissions as a church servant/admin. Important: Once disabling “View Submissions”, the feature cannot be re-enabled for the current form.
- Disable Edit Submission: This removes the ability to edit form submissions as a church servant/admin. Important: Once disabling “Edit Submission”, the feature cannot be re-enabled for the current form.
- Make form submissions anonymous: This option does not link form submissions to member profiles, allowing you to collect data anonymously.
- Disable autofill profile fields: When this option is turned on, the form will not automatically fill profile fields for identified members. People submitting the form will need to fill these fields themselves.
- Limit form to only members if you only want people who are registered within ChMeetings to fill it out. The form cannot be accessed and submitted unless people log in.
- Restrict form only to members with the below criteria: This feature allows you to only restrict the form to people who fulfill specific criteria, which you can configure within this section. People who do not fulfill the chosen criteria will not be able to fill out the form. This feature is only available when the form is limited to members, not when it is open to anyone.
- Select a user to notify for each submission of this form - either via email or using a mobile notification.
- Customize the color used throughout the form.
Please make sure to save your settings and your form when you are ready.
Editing an existing form
To edit a form, go to the Forms module and find the one you want to edit. Click the options button next to it, then click Edit.
Deleting a form
To edit a form, go to the Forms module and find the one you want to edit. Click the options button next to it, then click Delete.
Please note that when you delete a form, all of its submissions and related information will also be deleted. Please click Delete to confirm your choice.
Other form options
Each form comes with a series of useful options:
- View Submissions allows you to access the list of submissions that correspond to the selected form.
- Export lets you download the form as an excel sheet or as a letter.
- Share is where you can copy a direct, shareable link or an embed code.
- Copy Form allows you to duplicate the selected form, with the purpose of making changes to it and creating a new form. This saves you time because you do not have to create the form from scratch.
- Disable Form will make the form inaccessible, regardless of whether it has reached its expiry date or not. When a form is already disabled, this option becomes Enable Form, which will fully reinstate it.
- View Form opens your selected form in view mode.
Working with form fields
General form field features
Add a new field
All field types can be added from the form editor, by following the steps below:
- Find the field type you want to add.
- Click on it and hold your mouse button.
- Drag the field type to the form area, then drop it to the desired position. You will see the field type overlay until you decide to drop it.
- Release your mouse button when you are ready to drop the field.
Edit a field
To edit an existing field, simply click on it. You will immediately be shown all available editing options.
Sorting field options
Multiple choice, checkbox and dropdown field options can be sorted in either ascending or descending (alphabetical or numerical) order, using the buttons next to the name of the field..
Conditional Fields
You can make any field conditional, so that it will only display when a specific field is answered or a certain answer is selected for another field. By selecting the Show only if option, you will be able to select which criteria the field should fulfill in order to display. Conditional fields are accompanied by a “nodes” icon, as shown below.
Hidden fields
Form fields can be hidden, so that they are stored within the form without being displayed to members. When a field is hidden, it is accompanied by an eye icon, as shown below.
Remove a field
To remove an existing field, please follow the steps below:
- Click the field to edit it.
- Click the red bin icon to delete it.
Please note that fields cannot be restored once removed.
Move fields up or down the form
To move a field up or down your list, simply click on it, drag then drop it to the desired location.
Duplicate a field
This feature lets you create a duplicate of a particular field. This can save you time in those occasions when you need to create another field that contains some data that already exists in the one you are duplicating.
To duplicate, simply click your field to edit it, then click the blue duplication button.
Exit a field without saving changes
Simply click the “x” icon at the top right.
Save changes to a field
To save a field, click the checkmark (✓) at the top right of the field editing area.
Available form field types
- Text entry - supports one line text and number data.
- Numbers -: only supports numbers, including two-decimal numbers.
- Multiple line text - allows multiple lines of text and number data.
- Checkbox - allows the user/member to check one or more boxes in order to select particular pieces of information.
- Dropdown - provides a dropdown list of several options that the user/member can choose from. Only one option can be selected.
- Multiple choice - the user/member can choose one option from several provided.
- Date - allows the user/member to enter or select a date, using a calendar tool.
- File - allows the user/member to attach a file to the form. Please note that this option is only available for paid ChMeetings accounts.
Next, let’s learn how to create and manage each of these field types.
Text entry
When adding a Text entry field, you will have the possibility to edit the title of the field. Be concise, but at the same time make sure you are clear about what type of information you would like people to provide within this field.
This is the most commonly encountered field type to fill out. It can look like this to someone who needs to enter their information;
People can enter integers and two-decimal numbers into this field. Like the Text entry field type, the Numbers field type allows you to edit the title.
To someone filling out this field type, it could look like this:
Multiple line text
This field type also allows you to edit the title that is visible to people, when filling it out.
Here is what this field type could look like to someone filling it out:
The Checkbox field type allows you to edit the field title and add options that people can choose from when filling out the field.
You can remove an option by clicking the red delete button (⛒) next to it.
You can also add new checkbox items, by clicking the + icon next to the Add checkbox item option. Below is a quick visual guide:
You can drag and drop options to move them up or down the list.
Additionally, you can choose the minimum and maximum number of choices people can mark when submitting the field.
To those filling it out, a checkbox field will look similar to the example below.
This field type is similar to the checkbox, because it provides you with the same editing options: a title and the options you want to allow people to choose from. You can add and remove dropdown items as needed, using the icons next to each option.
You can drag and drop options to move them up or down the list.
When people fill out a dropdown field, they will need to click on the list then select one of the options you made available. Here is an example:
Multiple choice
This field type allows you to configure its title, as well as the options that people can choose from.
You can add and remove dropdown items as needed, using the icons next to each option. You can also drag and drop options to move them up or down the list.
To those who fill out this field type, it will look similar to the example below:
This field type allows you to edit the title that is visible to people, when filling it out.
To people filling out the field, it will look like this:
Star Rating
This field type allows respondents to provide a star-based rating. You can choose how many stars to use; and also whether the field is mandatory or hidden.
This field allows respondents to draw and sign forms digitally. You can choose to make it mandatory or hidden, or to only display it under certain conditions (such as when a specific answer is provided for a certain question). Learn more.
Attach File
This field type makes it possible for people to attach files to a form, and also allows you to edit the title that is visible to people who fill it out. It is only available for paid ChMeetings accounts.
When people attach files to forms, they will have the option to browse their computer and upload it. Only one file can be attached per form and the maximum file size is 10 MB. The attachment can be removed by clicking the delete (x) icon on the right. Here is what the process looks like: