- Introduction
- Step 1: Download and edit the template
- Step 2: Upload the Data File
- Step 3: Complete the import
You can easily import contribution transactions into ChMeetings by simply downloading a template, adding the data to it, then reuploading it. Before you import, please go to Settings > Account Settings and make sure that you have configured the account’s Country and State/City.
Please note that if there are two or more people with identical names, the import tool will also consider the email address and mobile number to ensure that contributions are assigned to the right person.
Please also keep in mind that the import tool has a limit of 500 records per file. If you need to import more, please split your data into separate files, of maximum 500 records each.
Step 1: Download and edit the template
Please go to Settings > Tools > Import Giving, then click the Download Template File button, to get started.
The template will be an Excel spreadsheet with a few columns to fill out. Please populate at least the Fund, Amount, Date and Batch Number. You can omit the First and Last name if the contribution is anonymous.
You can enter an existing fund or batch number, or add a new one. They will be automatically created when importing.
You can also add an Address column, which will be considered when adding non-member contacts.
Additionally, please select whether your source data contains people’s names in one or multiple columns.
- Single Name Column - People’s full name must be entered in the “Name” column. The following order is mandatory: “First Name Last Name”.
- Multiple Name Columns - Each of the people’s names must be entered in their dedicated columns. There are separate columns for the First Name and Last Name.
When you are done editing your file, please click Next to proceed to the following step.
Step 2: Upload the Data File
You are now ready to upload your data file for import. Simply click Select File, then browse your computer for the file you just edited. Depending on the size of your file, the upload might take a few moments. When it is successful, you will see this on-screen.
Click Next to go to the last step of the import.
Step 3: Complete the import
Now you can review the results of your import. You will be shown the total contributions, and amount, total anonymous contributions and their amount, as well as any new funds added via the import.
If this looks correct, please click Import. If not, please refresh the page to start over. Please check your uploaded file and correct any issues you might notice here.
When your import is successful, you will be notified and taken to your main dashboard.
You will find your newly imported transactions by going to Contributions > All Contributions.