This guide takes you through the options you have available within the Member Portal Builder, which lets you manage the content you display on the Member Portal.
- The Content Management Structure
- Manage Cards
- Work With Pages
- Edit Members’ Main App Menu (Branded App Only)
The Content Management Structure
Builder Interface
The Builder is split into three columns:
- Add Cards: Drag cards to the Edit section.
- Edit: Move cards around by holding and dragging them up or down. Click a card to edit it. All changes are saved automatically.
- Preview: This is what your page will look like.
- Toolbar: This is where you can configure your portal pages, menu, and appearance settings.
Content Management Structure
The Builder works based on two major pillars:
- Cards: Cards act as containers for different types of content. There is a card dedicated to pretty much any content you can think of. All you have to do is drag a card from the list and place it onto your page - either the default portal homepage, or one you create. Once your card is configured, the content is displayed to members and guests on your church page or mobile app.
- Pages: You can create pages that are displayed at the top of your portal; or within the app menu (for branded app users). You do not have to create pages if you don’t want to. The Member Portal has a default homepage, which you can work with exclusively if that’s what you want.
Manage Cards
To start building your Portal, drag a Card from the dedicated area on the left, then drop it into the Edit area, as shown below. The process is the same, no matter what card you select. Once you drag a card to the Edit area, it is automatically saved.
Edit, Delete, Move, And Duplicate
- Edit any card by just clicking on it. This reveals the card configuration as well as additional card options. Once you make the desired changes to the card configuration, make sure to click Save so your changes are kept.
- Delete: This removes the card from your Portal. Please keep in mind that deleted cards cannot be restored and you’ll need to re-enter the information in a new card, if you change your mind.
- Move: This option reveals available pages to which you can move the card.
- Duplicate: This will create a new card that contains all the information within the card you’re copying. This helps input less manual data to create similar cards.
To reorder your saved cards, simply click and drag the card to the desired position.
If you find it easier, you can also click and drag on the card’s mover icon, found at the top right of the card. Use this to drag the card up or down, and then drop it to the desired position. Here is what this process looks like:
Card Display Configuration
All cards have a Display Configuration section where you can set up card visibility, text alignment, as well as the publish and expiry dates.
Set Card Visibility
Toggle Visibility on or off to configure whether the card is visible to anyone. Once the card is visible, you can choose whether it’s accessible to Members, Guests, or Both:
- Members: Only those who are logged into an app account can see the card.
- Guests: Only those who are not logged into an app account can see the card.
- Both: The card is visible to anyone regardless of whether they are logged in or not.
Set Text Alignment
This setting lets you configure whether the text contained by the card is aligned to the left, the center or the right. The following cards don’t require text alignment so they do not have the setting: Event, Calendar, Donate Button, Social Media Links, and Live Streaming.
Set Card Publish And Expiry Dates
Each card lets you set the following dates:
- A Publish Date at which the card is displayed on your page. Not configuring a date means the card is displayed immediately after configuration.
- An Expiry Date at which the card will be removed from the view. Not configuring a date means the card will not expire, so it will be displayed until removed or set to expire.
Both dates can be set within the card configuration panel, accessible by clicking the card. These options are available under the Display Configuration section of the panel.
Once a card expires, its expiration date will be highlighted in red within your admin view (under Member Portal > Builder).
Clear Cards
You can reset your built page and clear all cards by clicking Clear Cards, at the bottom left of the page. You will be asked to confirm your choice.
Please only confirm deletion if you are sure that you want to delete the card configuration completely. This process is irreversible and deleted cards cannot be restored.
Work With Pages
Create A Page
The Member Portal can be split into several pages, using the Builder.
There are two ways to create a page: From the Page Toolbar, or using the Page Card.
From The Page Toolbar.
Clicking Add Page on the top toolbar lets you create a new page and configure the following:
- Add a title;
- Upload a banner image;
Set the page visibility as follows.
- Members: Only those with a member account can access your shared page.
- Guests: Only those who do not have a member account can access the page.
- Both: The page will be visible to anyone regardless of whether they are logged into an account or not.
- Adjust the styling of the page by setting a background color and the width of margins between elements.
You can also choose to make it visible in the main app menu if you are subscribed to the branded app.
Using The Page Card:
You can also create a page using the Page Card. Just drag it to your current page, then click on it to reveal the edit panel. The Page card works in sync with the Page Manager at the top of the Builder but provides more detailed options. Any page creation, edit, or removal will reflect in both areas.
Here is how you can configure the page card:
- Set the card to Create a new page.
- Upload a page banner image of 800x250px.
- Enter a Page Title.
- Turn on Display Title if you want the page title to be displayed on the live page.
- Clicking Manage Page Content takes you to a new blank page where you can manage page content by adding cards, just as you would on the main page. This includes nesting a page card within a page card. This way you can create more complex web pages where your guests and members can access the content you want to provide, in an organized manner.
Under Display Configuration, set the card’s visibility:
- Members: Only those who are logged into an app account can see the card.
- Guests: Only those who are not logged into an app account can see the card.
- Both: The card is visible to anyone regardless of whether they are logged in or not.
- Choose the preferred Text Alignment (Left, Center, or Right).
- Set a Publish Date and Expiry Date for the page card.
- Save when ready. This is required for your card configuration to be saved. This does not save automatically.
Switch Between Pages
The Page Manager at the top of the Builder lets you switch between pages to see and manage their content easily. Additionally, this feature gives you quick access to adding new pages without using the Page card. You can still use the Page card to set up details such as publication and expiry dates.
You can switch between pages using the dropdown list containing existing pages. Once you select a page, you can edit its settings (banner image, title, and visibility) and delete it as needed. Please note that deleted pages cannot be restored.
Manage Page Content
Once you create or select a page, you can manage its contents by dragging and dropping cards, just like on the homepage.
The easiest way to manage the content of a specific page is to select it in the Page Manager at the top of the Builder. This takes you to the page and lets you work with the cards within it.
You can reference other pages via Page Cards, which can be nested within each other. Just drag a page card and set it to Choose Existing Page. You can configure multiple page cards onto a page.
You can also manage page content by accessing the Page Card corresponding to the page you want to work with, then clicking Manage Page Content. You will be taken to the page builder where you can edit content just like for any other page.
Move Cards Between Pages
You can move cards between pages, using the dedicated button at the top left of each card. Once moved, you can find the card under the page to which you moved it.
Edit Page Settings
To edit the settings of a specific page, just switch to it from the top toolbar, then click the pen icon on the left.
From the Edit Page window, you can adjust the page name, its visibility, or its styling: background color and margins. If you have the Branded App you can also edit whether to display the page in the member menu or not.
Delete Pages
If you want to delete a page, just switch to it from the top toolbar, then click the bin icon on the left. Note that deleted pages cannot be restored. Deleting a page removes all content added to it. Please proceed with caution.
Share Pages
You can share pages with anyone online using direct links.
Just click the Share icon found on the left of your page dropdown, then copy the link or the QR code.
Keep in mind that your page will be visible to people according to its visibility settings, which you can adjust by editing the page:
- Members: Only those with a member account can access your shared page.
- Guests: Only those who do not have a member account can access the page.
- Both: The pagewill be visible to anyone regardless of whether they are logged into an account or not.
Edit Members’ Main App Menu (Branded App Only)
To edit the menu that members see when accessing ChMeetings on their computers or mobile devices, please follow the steps below:
Go to Member Portal > Builder > Menu Setup. Here is where you will find a list of pages - both those hidden and visible within the app menu.
- To make a page visible in the menu, you can drag it from Hidden Pages to Visible Pages. Alternatively, you can do so from the Page’s settings, by turning on Include in App Menu. To remove a page from the menu, drag it back to the Hidden Pages column.
- To reorder pages within the menu, you can also drag and drop up or down.
To manage who can see specific pages in their menu, you can select whether the page is visible to members, guests, or both. System pages cannot be hidden, so visibility is inactive and cannot be changed. Save your changes when ready.
To rename a page, or to change its menu icon, click the Edit option next to it. Enter the new name, and change the icon, as needed, then Save.
You can delete a page using the bin icon next to it. Note that this option actually deletes the page; it doesn’t just hide it from the menu. Deleted pages cannot be restored. To hide a page, just move it back to the Hidden Pages column.