Before you allow people in your congregation to become members of your ChMeetings app, we recommend that you check the Member role permissions and adjust them to your needs and requirements.
To get started, please go to Member Portal and click the link to update the Member Role Settings.
Alternatively, go to Users & Roles - Roles & Permissions. Here is where you will find the Member role, which you can edit by clicking the options button next to the role.
Any of these paths will take you to the role editing window, where you can simply tick a box on or off to adjust the following permissions:
Here is what the Profile permissions provide access to if enabled:
- Edit: Members can edit their own ChMeetings profile.
- My Giving: Members have access to their giving history.
- My Pledges: Members have access to their pledges.
- My Organizations: Members can view and edit the organizations they give on behalf of.
- My Registrations: Members can access their event registration history.
- Calendar: Members can access the Calendar.
Profile Fields
This section determines what fields your members can fill out if they edit their profiles.
For each field, you can decide whether members can view or edit it. You can also make that field mandatory, and it will be required to either register for an account (if you use profile fields for registration) or to save edits to their profile. Some field options are inactive and locked with the permission to both view and edit. This is because the field is essential to the integrity of your member accounts and should not be changed. This applies to the profile photo, the mobile number and email fields.
If you have enabled profile fields for registration, then you will see an extra column here, called Register. If you check the box in this column, then the field in question will be added to the registration form. If you also check it as mandatory, then registration will not proceed without filling out that field.
Additionally, you can choose whether members can e who else is volunteering with them in the same event occurrence and role, all roles, or all event occurrences. When this permission is enabled, a list of invited volunteers is displayed on everyone’s assignment invite.
Once you have configured member permissions as desired, please click on Save, to ensure your updates are saved.