If your event is visible to the public, you will have the possibility to share it with participants. To make your event publicly available, set the event’s Visibility field to Public.This field is found on the event’s editing window, which you can access by adding an event or editing an existing one. Learn more.
All events have to be added to a calendar before they can be saved. So, an alternative way to share events is to share your calendar. Shared calendars only display public events, and can be synced to other calendar apps via iCal. Here is how to Sync to Google Calendar.
Events that you make visible to ChMeetings Users or Members will be displayed within their respective calendars, but are not shareable.
Sharing a one-time event
If you would like to share a one-time event, please follow the steps below:
- Go to the Events module and select your desired event from the list
- Click the options button at the top right of your event screen, then select Share.
- You will now see two ways to share your event:
- Via a link: Simply copy the link from the field and paste it anywhere on the web or in text messages. (We recommend using a service like Bitly if you need to shorten links for SMS.) You can also generate and download a QR code that will point to your link.
- As an embedded event page: You can copy the embed code and add it to a website, to display full event information.
Sharing a recurring event
Recurring events cannot be shared in their entirety; however, you can share their occurrences. Here is how to do so:
- Start in the Events module, where you can select your event from the list.
- On your main event page, you will see the occurrences listed on the right side. Find the occurrence you want to share, then click the options button on its right. Select Share in the menu that comes up.
- You will now have the possibility to share the event as a link, or to embed it into a website.