You can sync your ChMeetings Calendar to your Google Calendar in a few simple steps:
- Go to your ChMeetings Calendar.
Click the Settings button, then select Share.
- Scroll down to the iCal Feel and choose which calendar you would like to sync. All calendars, default or custom, will be displayed here. You can either choose one individual calendar, or choose the All option to sync them all. Each calendar comes with its own shareable link. Click the Copy button next to the calendar you want to use.
- Go to your Google Calendar.
- Click the ☩ button next to Other Calendars, then choose From URL.
- Paste your Calendar URL into the dedicated field, then click on Add calendar. Check the box below only if you want to make the calendar publicly accessible via Google. Leave this unchecked if you want the calendar to be kept private.
- Your calendar is now synced to Google. You can adjust further Google-specific settings if you need to.
Please note:
- Only public events will display in the synced calendar. To view and change the event visibility, go to Events > Select your event > Edit your event > Under Visibility choose Public. Learn more.
- The sync only works from ChMeetings to Google Calendar, and not vice versa.
- It may take up to 24h for the sync to complete.