- Introduction to contributions
- Add a new contribution
- Edit an existing contribution
- Delete a contribution
Introduction to contributions
The Contributions module is where you can easily collect and manage your church member giving activity.
Add a new contribution
You can add a new contribution every time someone gives to your church.
To add a new contribution:
- Go to Contributions > New Contribution.
- Start by entering the Person or Envelope Number.Learn about envelopes.Enter an existing person, organization or envelope number; or choose one of the following options:
- Add Person - Use this option to add the contributor as a member within your database. This will create a profile, accessible via the People section and throughout ChMeetings.
Add Contact - Use this option to add the contributor as a contact, without creating a profile. This is useful for tracking contributions you receive from non-member individuals or from organizations. You can find a list of contacts under All Contributions > Contributors tab.
Note: The Add Contact option and related features are only available for paid accounts.
Also note that when typing in someone’s name, you will see their email and address. This helps distinguish between people with the same name.
Toggle Anonymous to ON if you want to create an anonymous contribution.
- Enter the Amount with which the member has contributed, then allocate it to a Fund. Fund. Read about how to manage contribution funds
- If someone wants to contribute specific amounts to different funds, please turn on Add multiple funds. When enabling this feature, please enter the amount and the fund to allocate it to, then click on Add Fund.
Your contribution is now allocated. You can remove it by clicking the (-) sign next to it.
- You can add the next amount and fund. Simply enter them within their corresponding field, then click again on Add Fund.
- Repeat these steps as many times as required, until you enter all of the amounts and funds.
- Next, add the payment Method. If you can’t find the one you need, you can add it by going to Contributions > Payment Method. Read about managing contribution payment methods.
- Enter the contribution date.
- Add a Note, if necessary.
- If the contribution has been paid by Check, then you will also need to enter the Check Number.
- Select the contribution Batch. ChMeetings will auto-select the last created batch. But you can select a different one if you like. If the last batch already contains funds, you will have the option to create a new batch as well.
- When you select a batch, you will also see the number of entries within it, as well as the total amount collected. Learn more about managing batches.
- You can view the current batch by clicking View Batch.
- You can close the current batch by clicking Close Batch. This will close the current batch and start a new one, continuing the numbering.
Attach a file as needed (Note that this is a paid feature, available on all paid plans). This can be a check, receipt, or any other document supporting the contribution. The maximum file size limit is 5MB.
- When you are ready, click on Add to save your contribution.
Once you complete adding a contribution, the screen will be ready for you to add another. The same batch number will be automatically assigned and you cannot create a new batch unless you refresh the page.
All newly added contributions will be available under Contributions > All Contributions.
Edit an existing contribution
To edit an existing contribution:
- Go to Contributions > All Contributions.
- Find the contribution you are looking for, within the list. You can use the Advanced Search filters on the right to narrow it down.
- When you have found the required contribution, click the options button next to it, then select Edit.
- Make the required changes, then click on Save.
Delete a contribution
If you need to delete a contribution, please go to Contributions > All Contributions, then follow the steps below:
- Find the contribution you need to delete. You can use the Advanced Search feature to narrow down the list.
- Click the options button next to the contribution, then select Delete.
- Confirm your choice by clicking again on Delete.
- Deleted contributions cannot be restored. You will need to add them back manually if you change your mind after having deleted them.
- At the moment, there is no refund process within ChMeetings. Should you need to process a contribution refund, please do so in accordance with the payment method. (E.g.: For a cash contribution, you can return the cash to the member. For a contribution paid by card or via our online giving feature, you can process the refund via your bank or payment gateway.)