ChMeetings does not yet provide direct integration with any website-building platform; however, there are some features that you can embed. These help you provide and gather information to and from members and to collect donations. This article briefly explains these features and links you to further documentation.
You can embed your main and upcoming events calendars by copying a code block and pasting it onto your website. Additionally, you can use iCal to integrate with any app or website platform that supports this format. Please see How to share the calendar? for further details about using this feature.
You can use forms to gather information from members. Forms can be embedded into your website by copying/pasting a code block. Learn more.
Online Giving
ChMeetings provides a direct giving link that members can click on to reach your online giving page. You can add it to your website as a text link, place it behind a button, or any other web object you prefer. You can even copy a QR code that points to this link to make it easy for members to give to your church. Learn more about online giving.